Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014

Lessons & Carols - 3rd Sunday in Advent (Dec. 14)

Great job singing everyone! 
We are so blessed to have this much talent in one place, 
and all at one time. Extra thanks to Jim Hild, 
Music Director, for his 25 years of music ministry!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Advent Season for Kids at All Saints

Spark Bible Advent readings:
Pg. 168 - A Child Called Immanuel
Pg. 234 - John the Baptist
Pg. 194 - A Ruler from Bethlehem

Adult Bible readings for Sunday, December 7, 2014

Isaiah 40:1-11
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13
2 Peter 3:8-15a
Mark 1:1-8

See more at: http://www.elca.org/Our-Work/Congregations-and-Synods/Worship/Lectionary/YearB#Advent

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

All Saints Kids are Thankful!

On Sunday, we talked about everything we had to be thankful for, and God's great abundance of love. We asked the kids,  "What can you give to show God's love?"

(Giving someone a shirt.)

Some of the answers are below:  
I want to give:
> Food to people
> Tithes from my piggy bank.
> Peaches and grapes.
> Help to neighbors and friends.
> Toys to kids that don't have any.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

All Saints Day highlights - Sunday Nov 2, 2014

All of God’s people–past, present, and future–are connected in a holy communion (community) formed and sustained by the triune God.
The day reminds disciples that they stand in a long line of faithful people stretching from the distant past through the present, and on into the future.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Join us for Pumpkin Carving Wed 10/29

Bring a pumpkin and join us for pumpkin carving  on Wednesday night.
Time: 6 - 7 pm
Bring: A pumpkin to carve
(If you need help picking up a pumpkin let Cindy Paulson know by Tuesday night.)
Where: Loaves Room
Wear: Clothes that can get pumpkin-yucky!
Optional: Extra adult hands are welcome!

Don't forget to join us for dinner at 5:30 as well!

 ** Thanks to all who made our Trunk-or-Treating event a great success. See if you know any of these goblins below:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Trunks Needed! - Fall Family Festival is October 25, 2014

No Wednesday Activities 10/15/14

Enjoy your time off of school this week! While you are "Making God Visible" here are a few simple things you can do to show God's Love to others:

1. Hold doors open for people that need assistance (think: moms or dads with strollers, or those who have a physical challenge).

2. When you go out walking or biking, bring a bag with you and look for aluminum cans to recycle. (You can drop them off at church when you are done!)

3. Go through your toys and clothes and see what you can donate to Goodwill or Bethesda (Westwind shopping mall).

4. Write an actual letter on paper or draw a picture and snail-mail it to friends or family that you have not seen in a while.

5. Offer to help rake a neighbor's leaves. Get talking with your neighbor and see what you find out about them. Maybe they were just like you when they were a kid?

What other ideas do you have? Please share with us below by making a comment.

We would love to hear what you did on your MEA break! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Prayer Rug is finished!

On Sunday, October 5th the children presented the Prayer Rug to the Congregation. This rug has a very special meaning because each strand of the rug has a unique prayer written on it. Many have contributed to the formation of the rug - children, youth and adults were able to write out their prayers over several months. Come and take a look at the finished project!

Olivia reads the Old Testament Bible verses of the day.
Alleluia choir

Pastor Antonio receives the prayer rug.

Cindy and Jenna: SMILE! GOD LOVES YOU!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Swing Dance & Lessons! Friday Night

You are invited to Swing Dance Night!

That’s right, put on your dancing shoes and join Shannon (our dance instructor) for a incredible night of swing dancing.  

Don’t know how to dance? No problem, Shannon is an 
expert teacher and will have you swinging in no time.  

ALL are invited!

When: October 3, 7pm– 9pm 
Where: Fellowship Hall at All Saints

Sponsored by:  
All Saints Youth Choir

Monday, September 8, 2014

Rally Sunday Fun!

Thank you to all who attended Rally Sunday yesterday. God certainly gave us a beautiful day. A special thanks to the Children's ministry team for organizing and setting up. Thank you Lord Jesus for wonderful friends and families! (click "Read More" to see all photos.)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Get Ready for RALLY SUNDAY! (Sept. 7, 2014)

All Saints Rally Day and Ministry Fair
Sunday, September 7
8:15, 9:30 and 11 a.m. services
  • Enjoy wonderful food after the services.
  • Make your own In-the-Car Care Kit (See article below).
  • Check out a great variety of ministry opportunities.
  • Register for Sunday School and Confirmation
  • Catch up with other members of your faith family after summer vacations.
  • Family Fun in the South Parking Lot from 10:30-1:30 p.m. with mini golf, face-painting and lots more 
Let’s truly Make God Visible this year!

In-the-Car Care Kit for the Homeless
On Rally Day, September 7, you can help assemble kits of useful items to give to homeless people. Kits are meant to be kept in your car and given to any homeless person you see. We know that giving money might not be the best way to help. An In-the-Car Care Kit is an encouraging replacement gift.

Even if you don’t think you would ever need a kit in your car, you can still help with this project. You can contribute a few items to include in the kits such as:
  • socks
  • individually wrapped snacks (granola bar, trail mix, etc)
  • pack of tissues
  • toothbrush and toothpaste
  • nail clippers
  • bandages
  • lip balm
  • reusable water bottle
  • soap
  • shampoo
  • comb or brush
  • razor
  • small towel
  • washcloth
  • gift certificate for fast food
  • bus card
  • lightweight stocking cap and gloves
Plans are to use plastic one-gallon zip-top bags and put about eight items in each, along with a note of encouragement. Look for the donation barrel in Fellowship Hall. Please bring your donations by September 4.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Welcome Cindy Paulson!

We're pleased to announce that Cindy Paulson will be joining the All Saints Staff as our new Director of Childhood & Family Ministries in mid-August**. Cindy comes with deep experience in program and curriculum development, and volunteer engagement. In addition to church program work, she was a Curriculum Developer / Senior Editor on the Spark Story Bible and other materials while working at Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

Cindy's confidence, enthusiasm, and wisdom are immediately apparent, which will enrich our congregation, children, and staff. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to her as she helps us to Make God Visible!

**Cindy will be at the Family BBQ on Thursday, August 14th 6-8 PM

Monday, July 28, 2014

Spark Bible Story for Sunday August 3rd : Jesus Feeds 5,000

Loaves and Fishes -  pg. 426 - 431 (Matthew 14:13-21)
Jesus feeds 5,000 people with just two loaves of bread and five fish!
He said in a small voice, “Jesus, please take my food if you think it will help.” 

You can review this story in the Spark Bible* with your children before or after the service. At the end of the story, there are some questions to think about, you can share your answers with your friends and teachers on Sunday or feel free to post your insights below.

Adult Bible Readings:
Isaiah 55:1-5
Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21 (16)
Romans 9:1-5
Matthew 14:13-21

Semicontinuous Series
Genesis 32:22-31
Psalm 17:1-7, 15 (15)

*If you don't have a Spark Bible, contact please contact Brenda Gilsrud via the church office.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wheat Among Weeds Parable - Sunday, July 20th

Jesus tells us in a parable (see below, Matthew 13)  that we are to trust God, and let the weeds grow with the wheat. God will take care of the weeds.

Whew! Does that mean I don’t have to weed my garden?

Adult Bible Readings:
Isaiah 44:6-8 or Wisdom 12:13, 16-19
Psalm 86:11-17 (11)
Romans 8:12-25
*Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
*Audio Pastoral discussion about this text can be found at: https://www.workingpreacher.org/brainwave.aspx?podcast_id=195

Semicontinuous Series
Genesis 28:10-19a
Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24 (1)
The ELCA Lectionary can be found here: 

*If you don't have a Spark Bible, contact please contact Brenda Gilsrud via the church office.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bible Stories for Kids - Sunday, June 29

Third Sunday after Pentecost - Spark Online Resources

Question: If we followed Jesus, where would he lead us?
Activity: Give each family member a footprint cut out of paper to use as they imagine and demonstrate their answer to this question.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Spark Bible - Stories for Sunday June 22nd

You can review these stories in the Spark Bible* with your children before or after the service. At the end of the story, there are some questions to think about, you can share your answers with your friends and teachers on Sunday or feel free to post your insights below.

Abraham & Sarah’s Visitors -  pg. 34 - 37 (Genesis 21: 8-21)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Spark Bible Stories for Sunday, June 8 (Pentecost)

More about static electricity here.
Activity: The Holy Spirit made the disciples hair stand up (pg. 502). Do you wonder what that might feel like? Try this: take a balloon, rub it on your hair until your hair feels funny, and it will

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spark Bible Story for Sunday, June 1st

You can review these stories in the Spark Bible* with your children. At the end of the story, there are some questions to think about; you can share your answers with your friends on Sunday, or feel free to post your insights below.

The Ascension pg. 496  (Acts 1: 6-14)
(Jesus has further instructions for the disciples, then rises up and away onto a cloud!)

Make your own Cloud Dough -- click here 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Thank you Volunteers!

We appreciate each and every one of you for making All Saints Lutheran Church a vibrant, fun community!

Here's a group of our kids and parents going Beyond Our Doors at Feed My Starving Children from last weekend:

Spark Bible Stories for Sunday, May 25

The Promise of the Holy Spirit  pg. 450-451 (John 14: 15-21)
Jesus tells the disciples about the Holy Spirit and not to worry.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Spark Bible stories for Sunday, May 18

You can review these stories in the Spark Bible* with your children before or after Sunday School. At the end of the story, there are some questions to think about; you can share your answers with your friends and teachers on Sunday or feel free to post your insights below.

Matthias the Apostle  pgs. 500-501 (Acts 1: 15-17, 21-26)
(Matthias is chosen as Judas’s replacement.)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Spark Bible stories for Sunday, May 11

You can review these stories in the Spark Bible* with your children before or after Sunday School. At the end of the story, there are some questions to think about; you can share your answers with your friends and teachers on Sunday or feel free to post your insights below.

Early Believers  pgs. 504-505 (Acts 2: 42-47)
(The disciples share food, clothing and much more, and the church grows!)

Thank You Volunteers Celebration - Sunday, May 18

Volunteers Needed! Please click HERE show your support.

On Sunday, May 18 we will be recognizing the time and talents that have been offered to support Children's Ministry in the past year.  All families are invited to join in the celebration and taking time to thank those who have contributed to the faith formation of our children.

Families, please look for the email invitation for more details on how to help make this day special for the Sunday School teachers and helpers.  Families are asked to support by

Monday, April 28, 2014

Spark Bible - Stories for Sunday May 4th

You can review these stories in the Spark Bible* with your children before or after Sunday School. At the end of the story, there are some questions to think about;

Friday, April 25, 2014

56’ers Community Service Project & End of the Year Party!

Saturday, May 17
11:30 – 1:30 Feed My Starving Children
18732 Lake Drive East, Chanhassen

1:30 – 2:30 Frankie’s Pizza in Chanhassen
7850 Market Blvd, Chanhassen

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hosanna and Alleluia Choirs Together!

On Wednesdays April 23 and 30th we will combine the Hosanna and Alleluia choirs for practice.
We will meet at 7 pm. Please meet in the choir room (all the way down to the lowest level). 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Hosanna Choir schedule: 
Palm Sunday, April 13
Singing at the 9:30 service. We will meet in the Noah room at 9:10 am for rehearsal

Easter Sunday, April 20
Singing at the 8:00 am service. We will meet at 7:30 am in the Noah Room for rehearsal.

Wednesday, April 16:
(no soup supper tonight – regular Wednesday night suppers resume next week)
7:00 pm          Hosanna Choir (preschool to 2nd grade) in the Noah Room
                        (down one floor, near the library)
                        Alleluia Choir (3rd -6th grade) in the Choir Room
                        (all the way downstairs, in the undercroft area)

No Sunday School on Easter Sunday - Enjoy the day with your family!

Easter Blessings,
Penny Meschke
Director of Childhood Ministries
952-934-3550 x18

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Baptism of Jesus is like a tie-dyed t-shirt

Jesus Baptism: Mark 1:9,
In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10 And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. 11 And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.
As I was packing supplies …and specifically craft and art supplies for our trip to CHE, …knowing that water was our theme…my conscience said, “You can’t take tie-dye to Nuevo Laredo. It’s a place where it is dry and water can be scarce ...and water pressure at the orphanage can sometimes be very low. And then that inner prayerful thought, which can be called the Holy Spirit, said, “Of course you take tie-dye! …That’s the whole point J The children will love it…it will be a reminder to them how much they are loved by God and how we are all living in community even though we are over 1200 miles away.”
Baptism was going on long time before John baptized Jesus. Baptism is about water… water is cleansing.  As we bathe in water it washes away dirt. When we say “I’m sorry for our wrong doings and let go of things that keep us from God…we feel better, we feel clean. Another word, for this is repentance. That’s what John the Baptist was up to.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Paint a Joyful Noise...the Art of Living

“Paint” a Joyful Noise to the Lord…the Art of Living
Psalm 100

Have you heard the song, “Happy”, by Pharrell Williams from the movie Despicable Me 2?  “Because I’m Happy”…to me that’s what Psalm 100 is all about! When you’re happy…thank God and make a joyful noise!

“Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth”

Monday, March 31, 2014

Like a tree by the water… Jeremiah 17:8

"They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it shall not be anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit."

This afternoon it is 89 degrees and sunny in Nuevo Laredo, according to the Weather Channel....and according to those of us here:) Hot and dry! So where do you see water on a day like today? Each day, at Casa Hogar we are reflecting on water; the water we see, drink, wash with, and carry around with us in bottles...etc. We need water to live. We can't live without it!

So where do you see water? 
I love the cacti. These succulent plants are brilliant at holding water in dry and hot places! 

And you know what? 
So was Jesus...He shared Living Water of God's love 
in some very spiritually dry places 

So,...where do you see Living Water today?
Where today can you invite someone to taste a spirtual drink of cool water?