Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Service

Excellent singers! For some of the younger kids, this was their very first time singing up in front. Great job!
To hear it again, click this YouTube link:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Children's Chirstmas Play and Family Christmas Festival: Sunday Dec. 8 at 11 AM

Sunday, Dec. 1st at  11:15 am is Play Practice

For the cast and crew, the script is available to download and read here.

Songs for the Christmas Play
Jingle Bells/O Christmas Tree - Chorus & Mayor
Away in a Manger - Carolers
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Chorus
The First Noel - Chorus
We Three Kings - Trio
Joy to the World - Chorus
We Wish You a Merry Christmas - Chorus

Family Christmas Festival is Dec. 8th. 11-1 pm. 
We make gingerbread houses to celebrate the houses in our church family: 
Casa Hogar Elim and Hospitality House.
The Christmas play is at 1 pm.

Reminder: Dec. 15th is Lessons and Carols in worship

Penny Meschke
952-934-3550 ex 18      

"Tell the kids I love them" -God     

Christ the King Sunday

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Childhood and Family Ministries: Advent 2013

“Come darkness, Come light” for kids

“Twinkle twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are…” As you sing the rest of the song in your head or like me, just sing it out loud; can you picture that star it in your mind? When do we see stars? Not in the day, but in the night sky. During Advent, as we get ready for Christmas, think of that baby Jesus coming into this world, born in a humble stable, like a tiny twinkling star in the night sky. Jesus is the twinkling star that became the light of the world!
“…And without the dark, everything would be light, and you would never know when you needed a lightbulb.”, from “The Dark, by Lemony Snicket.

Look to the right for an Advent Calendar for you. It is a list of activities and opportunities that is coming.
At the beginning of Advent, Dec 1st, the trees in Fellowship Hall will be plain. As the trees in our church will fill with ornaments representing the gifts given all around the world. They will become “Giving Trees.”
The children of All Saints, including the 1st grade Faith Adventure, Sunday School, and WOW Wednesday and the children at Hospitality House, will create the handmade ornaments for the giving trees.
Each Sunday in Advent, you will have the opportunity to give a gift like a nylon backpack bag for a child at Casa Hogar, the orphanage in Mexico, or maybe a malaria net. As you give this monetary gift, you are invited to hang a child-made ornament on a tree to symbolize your gift. The ornaments will be in baskets to choose from. If you give a gift in honor of someone, also select an ornament for them to enjoy.

Come December 8th-11:00 am-2:00 pm for the Family Christmas Festival with gingerbread house making and the Christmas play, “Christmas Time” written by All Saints author, Aaron Achartz.

Advent Blessings to you,
Let your little light shine,
Penny Meschke
Childhood Ministries
952.934.3550x18 or

1 Su                  9:30 am and 11 am Sunday School Project Casa Hogar

4 W                  6:15-7:00 pm WOW Wednesdays
                        7:00-7:30 pm Children’s Choirs
7 Sa                  3:00-5:00 pm Christmas Caroling
8 Su                  11am-2 pm Family Christmas Festival with lunch Gingerbread house making
                        1 pm Children’s Christmas Play

11 W                6:15-7:00 pm WOW Wednesdays
                        7:00-7:30 pm Children’s Choirs

15 Su                Sunday School is in the Sanctuary with Lessons and Carols

11 W                6:15-7:00 pm WOW Wednesdays
                        7:00-7:30 pm Children’s Choirs

20 F                  3:00-5:30 pm Gingerbread house making at Hospitality House

24 T                  3:00 and 4:30 pm Family Christmas Eve Services

25 W                Merry Christmas!

29 Su                Sunday School is off

1 W                  WOW Wed and Children’s choirs are off

5 Su                  Sunday School resumes

8 W                  6:15-7:00 pm WOW Wednesdays

                        7:00-7:30 pm Children’s Choirs

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Operation Casa Hogar Sunday School Mission Project

Operation Casa Hogar collection starts NOW

Operation Casa Hogar is the annual Sunday School Mission Project happening Dec 1st at 9:30 and 11 am. (Casa Hogar is the orphanage in Mexico which we support.)

On our planning visit this November to Casa Hogar Elim, (CHE) Mama Lupita asked if we could send nylon-drawstring bags again this year for the children of Casa Hogar. She shared how the children used them to carry school items to school. You are invited to make a $5.00 donation for a nylon bag for a child.

Operation Casa Hogar is the annual Sunday School Mission Project happening Dec. 1st.  Please bring your donations to the red barrel located in the Fellowship Hall through Sat. Nov 30th. And please leave monetary donations in the office and checks made out to All Saints with “Project Casa Hogar” on the memo line.

Operation Casa Hogar Sunday School Mission Project

Where:  Donate to the RED barrel in the Fellowship Hall

When:   Now through Sat. Nov. 30th

Toys: match box cars, balls, small dolls
School Supplies: small notebooks, coloring books, crayons, pens, pencils. 
Hygiene Items: toothbrushes and paste, soap, washcloths, combs
Other items: hard candy, mints, gum, T-shirts, toy jewelry, socks, hair clips, sunglasses, flashlights with extra batteries.
NOT WANTED: Used items, war toys, chocolate (it melts!), perishable food, liquids, breakable items

Hosanna Choir - November Schedule

“Make a Joyful noise to the Lord”    Psalm 100:1

Dear Parents of Hosanna Choir!

Thank you for bringing your children to Hosanna Choir! We are so excited you are here! We will sing, play simple instruments, and play musical games! Singing is a fun way to connect with others and with God.

Here’s what’s coming up:

Wednesdays in November and December 
7:00-7:30pm Hosanna choir in the Noah room (lower level, by the library area)

Wednesday, November 27 
7:00 Thanksgiving Service - Combined Children's Choirs Sing!
**Practice at 6:30**
Stay for PIE Fest!

Sunday, December 8
11 am - 2 pm Christmas Festival, including lunch
1 pm Children's Christmas Play

Thank you so much!    
Blessings and Joyful Noises!    
Penny, 952-934-3550 ex 18

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Children's Ministries - November schedule

7:00-7:30 pm  Children’s choirs
Wednesday the 20th 
6:45-7:45 p.m. 1st grade Advent Adventure

Dear First Graders and Parents,

Join us on Wednesday, November 20 at 6:15 p.m. for a Faith Adventure just for you!
We will learn about Advent and make ceramic ornaments with the OWLS (Older, Wiser        Lutheran Saints) to decorate our church.
Please let me know if you can come—hope to see you!

Penny Meschke
All Saints Children’s Ministries
952.934.3550 x 18

"Tell the kids I love them"  -God 

First Graders and their families will also meet on Saturday, November 30 at 9 a.m. to decorate the church for the Christmas season with our ornaments and other things!  That day we’ll meet George Rowley, All Saints Outreach Coordinator, and learn about the Giving Market and Angel Tree outreach ministries.

Wednesday the 28th - 7:00 PM Thanksgiving Service, Pie Festival!
 (no choir or WOW activities, join us for delicious pie after the service!)

Saturday the 30th 
9 am -12 noon
> 6th Graders are On a Mission
Whether across the world or in  our own backyards...Jesus calls us to love our neighbors. Child 
and parent will gather and help set up “Project Casa Hogar,” collecting supplies the Orphanage in Mexico and creating care kits for Lutheran World Relief 
**see blog called Operation Casa Hogar Sunday School Mission Project for further information***
> 1st Graders -Faith Adventure
> Decorate the church for Christmas!

Blessings and love in Christ,   

Penny Meschke      
Childhood Ministries        
952-934-3550 ex 18
"Tell the kids I love them" -God     

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fifth Grade Faith Adventure NOV 16 & 17

Fifth Grade Faith Adventure
Saturday, November 16
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Make communion bread
Sunday, November 17
9:30 or 11 a.m. services
Receive communion

This parent and child adventure is a preparation for Communion. Fifth graders will make communion bread for worship and create their own communion cup on the potter’s wheel.

The potter's wheel is open on Sunday November 3 at 9:30 and 11 a.m. so that fifth graders can make their communion cups. 
They need to make them ahead of time so that they can be fired
 and be ready for their communion on Sunday, November 17.