Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today in Sunday School

Thank You! You're on a Roll... Whatever You Do, Your Role Matters, Especially to a Child

Today is Teacher Appreciation, and we are thankful for all the teachers, shepherds, and helpers that help out with Sunday School. We thank them for always being 'round, able to bounce where they are needed, and bring light to our children's lives. Thank you, again.

Hosanna Choir sang about Noah and his ark at the 9:30 service this morning.

Also today in Sunday School we continued looking at the story Paul and Silas.

Silas and Paul were chained up in prison. In the middle of a dark night, they prayed and sang to God. "I'm gonna sing, sing, sing. I'm gonna shout, shout, shout..." They were not afraid. And then there was an earthquake. The whole prison shook... You can find the rest of the story in the Spark Story Bible on pages 536-539, and in the Spark Bible on page 1224.

Next week we are taking a break from Paul and Silas for a special guest, Tony Almén. Tony is a retired teacher and loves children. He will share a science experiment, talk about his faith, and share about stewardship.  Last year, Tony showed us how to put a needle through a balloon!

Weekly Word: Fifth Week of April

The Ark is Coming May 5th with Hosanna Choir! There’s room on the Ark. Come Wed, May 1st at 6 pm and meet in the Noah Room, of course.

Mother's Day Tea
We are getting ready for Tea Time! The Mother's Day Tea is May 11. Tickets are $15 for adults, $6 for children, and are on sale now. They are in the church office, or can be picked up on Sunday mornings at the table.


Paul and Silas
This Sunday, we continue to tell the story of Paul and Silas. This unit will bring our year to a close, with the last Sunday of Sunday School being May 19th.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Reminder - Sunday School Appreciation Next Sunday

Next Sunday we will be recognizing and thanking all of the Sunday School teachers and helpers at both the 9:30 and 11:00 services. Be sure to drop off your contribution in the kitchen by 9:15am so our helpers can have everything set up.

Writing Letters

In case you forgot, here's what each grade should bring:

Preschool - 2nd Grade - Breads, Pastries, Rolls, Donuts, Bagels, etc
3rd - 4th Grade - Juice, Milk, Beverages
5th - 6th Grade - Fruit of choice

Reminder - Hosanna Choir Sings next Two Sundays

The Ark is coming! Hosanna Choir is meeting at 9:10am this next Sunday, April 28th, in the Noah room (of course) to sing at the 9:30am service. Then they will also sing at the 11:00am service on May 5th.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday School Today

Today we began to learn about Paul and Silas in Sunday School. It comes from Acts 16: 16-34. You can find it in the Spark Story Bible on pages 536-539, and in the Spark Bible on page 1224.

Weekly Word: Fourth Week of April

Dear Parents,

Childhood and Family Ministries has started a blog. Why?...So:
  • We can provide you with up to date Children’s dates and activities, and be connected with you in a personal and creative way.
  • It is interactive, which means you can respond.
  • You can follow us and be connected with us when you are away or traveling. 

Where do I find this blog?
Your thoughts are important to us…so let us know what you think?

Penny Meschke
Director of Childhood Ministries
952-934-3550 ex 18

“Tell the kids I love them” -God
56ers at the Glenn

Highlight: Next Sunday!!!! Is SS Appreciation
Next Sunday, April 28th, we celebrate Sunday School Teachers and Helpers. You will get to hear from some off our teachers and children in worship. In between services,  we will  be serving breakfast foods to celebrate. Parents, come help us celebrate and fill the buffet table!

Preschool - 2nd Grade - Breads, Pastries, Rolls, Donuts, Bagels, etc
3rd - 4th Grade - Juice, Milk, Beverages
5th - 6th Grade - Fruit of choice

The Ark is Coming April 28th and May 5th with Hosanna Choir! There’s room on the Ark. Come Wed, April 24th at 6 pm and meet Aaron in the Noah Room, of course.

Yesterday, April 20th 56’ers went to the Glenn Senior Housing in Minnetonka, to visit Grandmas and Grandpas who live there. We were guided by Lola Amendt,  All Saints member and parent, and Resident Service Director at the Glenn.
Sharing a Story


Lola read 5-6th graders  a story about memories. Lola shared how we can comfort those who are losing their memories, by talking and listening about their stories. 5-6th graders each brought a special object or toy to spark conversation. We had cookies and milk together, played colored bells together and sang many songs together.
Sharing Our Toys

Special memories and friends were made this day.
Mother's Day Tea
We are getting ready for Tea Time! The Mother's Day Tea is May 11. Tickets are $15 for adults, $6 for children, and are on sale now. They are in the church office, or can be picked up on Sunday mornings at the table.

Paul and Silas
Pastor Heather and SilasThis Sunday, April 21st, we start a new unit, Paul and Silas. Pastor Heather will share about "Silas" at the Children's Moment in worship. Michelle Kerrick will be with us one more time to finish glazing teapots and plates for the Mother's Day tea. This will bring our year to a close, with the last Sunday of Sunday School being May 19th.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hosanna Choir - April 17th

Greeting Hosanna Choir,

Who built the ark? Noah Noah!

Tonight, Wed April 17th
   6:00- 6:40 pm; Hosanna Choir
   WOW Wednesday tonight:  Games until 7:30 pm.

Wed. April 24th
    6:00 pm: Hosanna Choir with Aaron
    WOW Wed. is off

Sun. April 28th
    9:10 am - Hosanna Choir meet in the Noah room
    9:30 am - Hosanna sings "Noah" in church with costumes :)

Wed. May 1st
    6:00- 6:40 pm - Hosanna Choir
    6:45- 7:30 pm WOW Wed

Sun. May 5th
    11 am - Hosanna Choir sings "Noah"

Wed. May 8th
    6:00- 6:40 pm - Hosanna Choir with parents
    6:45- 7:30 pm - WOW Wed

Sun. May 12th
    9:30 am - Hosanna Choir and Sunday School sings for Mother's Day

Wed. May 15th
    6:00 pm - Alleluia and Hosanna choirs play kick ball- kids vs. adults (south parking lot)

Please let me know if your child is available to sing. Thank you!
Blessings and Joyful Noises,


952-934-3550 ex 18

Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekly Word: Third Week of April

To begin, the Childhood Ministry Team meets Tuesday for their monthly meeting. We will spend most of our time preparing for the Mother's Day Tea. We also wrapping up the Sunday School year.

Wednesday night at 6:00pm Hosanna Choir (preschool - 2nd grade) is having a zoo with Noah. Come join us sing, and choose your favorite animal to take with you on the ark. Know where we're meeting? The Noah Room (obviously). We will be singing the song in worship April 28th.

The 56ers are getting ready to go to the Glenn on Saturday, April 20th to visit with Grandmas and Grandpas who live there. We will meet at the Glenn at 10:00am, and will be there until 11:30am.  They are bringing along an object to share with the Grandparents, and to talk about with them. In addition to these objects, we will also be sharing milk and cookies. If you want to join them, call 952.934.3550 ext. 18.
We are getting ready for Tea Time! The Mother's Day Tea, mentioned above, is May 11. Tickets are $15 for adults, $6 for children, and are on sale now. They are in the church office, or can be picked up on Sunday mornings at the table.

We start a new story on Sunday. We will be covering the story of Paul and Silas. This will bring our year to a close, with the last Sunday of Sunday School being May 19th. Be on the look-out for a special guest or two at Sunday School in the next few weeks. I can't say who they are, but you'll know them when you see them.

We will celebrate our Sunday School teachers and helpers on Sunday, April 28th. We are asking that every family that can bring the item listed next to their child's (or children's) group.

Preschool - 2nd Grade - Breads, Pastries, Rolls, Donuts, Bagels, etc
3rd - 4th Grade - Juice, Milk, Beverages
5th - 6th Grade - Fruit of choice