Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Pageant 2015 was a Memory Maker

Thank you to all parents, caregivers, kids and volunteers to make this event successful. The kids did a great job telling the Christmas Story! We enjoyed hearing about the Christmas traditions of our members from early 1930's through today.
Listen to the Audio Here

Friday, November 6, 2015

Pie Fest - Wednesday, Nov. 25th 7 PM

We would love to see your smiling faces at Pie Fest on the Wednesday evening after the 7:00 PM Thanksgiving Service (November 25th). 

Monday, October 12, 2015

3rd grade Bible Presentation and Class: Oct. 25th

On Sunday, October 25th during the 9:30 service we will be having a special presentation of Bibles to our children in 3rd grade.  Then, immediately following the service, 3rd graders and their parents are asked to stay for an introduction class on how to use and read the Bible.  Through lessons, games and crafts children will learn how the Bible applies to life today.  Class runs from 10:40-11:40 AM in the Lounge.

(The Bible is a gift to you from All Saints ELCA.)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Parent's Corner E-News September 2015

Welcome Back to Sunday School at All Saints! 

Whether your summer has taken you far away or you’ve been here all along, Rally Sunday is a day we gather together as a community of faith, celebrating another new beginning of another church year.  Plan to be here on September 13 at 9:30AM for great worship, conversations, music, food, activities and a wonderful opportunity for your children to meet their awesome Sunday school teachers for the 2015/16 church school year!

Don’t Forget…
If you haven’t already registered your child for Sunday school, you can find the registration form on our website or you can register them at our Children’s Ministry table (by the elevator) on Rally Sunday.

Teachers still needed:
We are still looking for a couple of youth or adults who can help lead Sunday school for grades 1 & 2 and help our children grow in Christ’s grace.  No skills are needed – just a genuine care for our children.   Your time commitment would be no more than one Sunday per month.  Contact Martha Herbert  (mherbert@allsaintsmtka.org) if you think you can help.

Please join us in the Lounge on September 27th from 10:40 – 11:00AM for a Sunday School Parent Meeting.  You will learn about all the plans for the upcoming year including special events, missions and activities designed for your child.  This is a great time to learn what we have planned and to give us your ideas of what you’d like to see in Children’s Ministry!



Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Get ready for Rally Sunday - September 13, 2015!

Lots of fun activities are planned for Rally Day, our kick off to Sunday School, Sunday September 13th. We will have a pot luck  and games with plenty of fun things to do and eat. It will be a great day to gather for worship, register for Sunday school, meet your teacher, and see what everybody has been doing this summer.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Thank you to all VBS Volunteers!

Thank you to all who volunteered and participated in this year's vacation Bible school. God's big backyard was alive with faith, critters, and fun and meaningful learning.

Can't wait to do it again next year!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

VBS Donation Requests

Register Now for VBS
All the fun will be happening July 20-23 in God's Big Backyard Vacation Bible School. Click here to access the registration form. Contact Martha with questions (mherbert@allsaintsmtka.org).

VBS Donation Requests
The Vacation Bible School team is looking for the following items to be loaned or donated for our July VBS. Bring items to the Sunday school resource room and place in the VBS bin through July 8. Thank you for your generosity!
  • 1 pup tent 
  • 16 oz clear plastic pop bottles, cleaned with
    labels removed
  • Toilet paper roll inserts
  • Jelly roll pans*
  • Muffin tins*
  • Shaving cream 
  • Swimming pool noodles*
  • Brown paper grocery bags

*Please label items with your name so we may return them to you. Contact Martha with questions (mherbert@allsaintsmtka.org).

Saturday, June 20, 2015

VBS Teachers Are the Best

Join in the fun and be a leader or co-leader for Vacation Bible School at All Saints! Whether you can help one day, or all four days, we can use your help. VBS takes place July 20–23 from 9 a.m. – noon. Choose the age level of children you prefer to work with and/or the area in which you would like to assist (games, crafts, music, teaching, shepherding, snacks, skits). We have something for everyone!
VBS will also feature a pilot program to  include children and youth experiencing special needs. Your giving to Beyond Our Doors helps make this special VBS possible. Thank you! Help with this event by contacting Martha (mherbert@allsaintsmtka.org) as soon as possible.
Sunday School Teachers Wanted

Share your gifts with the children of All Saints as a Sunday school teacher for the 2015-16 church school year. Contact Martha to participate in this wonderful experience (mherbert@allsaintsmtka.org). 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Not too early to think about FALL is it?

Sunday School Teachers Wanted!
Share your gifts with the children of All Saints and become a Sunday school teacher for the 2015-16 church school year. Contact Martha (mherbert@allsaintsmtka.org).

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thank you 2014/15 Sunday School Teachers!

Sunday, May 17th is the last day of Sunday school for the year. We will have a special celebration and THANK YOU! for our incredible Sunday school teachers on Sunday, May 17.

Please consider joining the amazing volunteers who help our children grow in Christ’s grace. No skills are needed – just a genuine care for our children. Your time commitment would be no more than one Sunday per month. Contact Martha Herbert if you think you can help, or speak to one of our current volunteers: Aaron Achartz, Casie Budolfson, Nancy Lovaas, Kirsten Pedersen, Annika and Karen Saboe, Nancy Weflin, Alicia Kerber or Sara Hauge. We appreciate your commitment and dedication to making Children's Ministry a vital part of our congregation!

Sunday School April & May 2015

Here’s what’s happening during the upcoming weeks:

April 26 & May 10:  The Apostle Paul traveled to Macedonia to spread the word about Jesus.  One of the people who heard him was Lydia, a business woman who sold purple fabric to wealthy people.  1st – 6th grades will learn how Lydia used her gifts and influence in the community to spread the word about God’s love for everyone.
Helpful Bible verse:  Acts 16:9-15

Optional family activity:  Find a container (or make a pouch if you’re really “crafty”) and cover it with purple fabric, paper or paint.  While you work on the containers, ask your child what they are good at doing – feel free to help them.  On pieces of paper, write down their gifts and talents and put the pieces of paper in the container.  Talk about how they can use their gifts to show others about God’s love. 

April 26th:  Following  the lectionary, Pre-K will learn how Jesus is like a shepherd taking care of his sheep – He cares for and loves each of us and keeps us safe.  Even if we get “lost”, He will find us and bring us back home.
Helpful Bible verse: John 10:11-18

Optional family activity: Using a treasured stuffed animal (or a real animal if you have one), talk about things we do to take care of things that we love.  Tell your children it’s the same with Jesus who loves us, cares for us and protects us no matter what.

May 10th:  Pre-K will continue with the lectionary lesson telling about when Peter was speaking to a crowd about Jesus and the Holy Spirit came down in a great wind and opened the hearts of the people.
Helpful Bible verse:  Acts 10:44-48

Optional Famiy activity:  Go fly a kite with your children.  Talk about how just as the wind helps to lift the kite and make it fly, the Holy Spirit lifts our hearts and opens us up to God’s love.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Palm Sunday and Easter Week 2015

March 29:  Palm Sunday.  Children will begin the 9:30 worship service, processing with Palm branches into the sanctuary with their families, then be excused for an all-Sunday school Easter egg hunt which will end with an engaging story told by Aaron Achartz.

April 3:  Good Friday children’s service at 10:00 AM led by Pastor Bruce and Martha.

*There will be no Sunday school on Easter Sunday (April 5th)

Wednesday Night Children Activities will resume on April 8th.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Camp WAPO -- Seeds weekend (2nd and 3rd graders) - Register by March 15th

All current 2nd and 3rd grade youth and friends are invited to spend a weekend away at Camp Wapo being a seeds camper. This action packed weekend will begin on Friday, June 19 with registration beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Camp Wapo. The weekend concludes with worship at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 21st.

Knowing that this may be some young people’s first camp experience or even their first time away from home, counselors will spend every moment with campers and will provide a safe and caring environment filled with music, Bible study, campfires, crafts, water activities, tons of games, and more. Cost for the weekend is $150.00 per camper.

Register online at www.campwapo.org, registration deadline is Sunday, March 15. Please contact me with any questions.


Kristine Clemens
Director of Youth and Family Ministries
952.934.3550, ext. 17

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Kids calendar for "Lent-ventures" -- February & March 2015

Question: What is a "Lent-venture?" 
Answer: During the message time in the Lenten service on Wednesdays, children are invited to go to the Loaves room for ”Lent-ventures”.  We will explore the Lenten theme of “Fruitful Living” and have a craft or activity.

         During Sunday school, your children will be receiving a “Lenten Path of Kindness” to use as they count down the 40 days to Easter.  This is something the whole family can share (and it does not have to be done in order).  If your child does not receive one, they are available at the Children’s Ministries bulletin board.

Please note: Alleluia and Hosanna choirs start at 5:30 on Wednesdays during Lent. 
We have soup suppers, hosted by the Confirmation kids. 
See you there!


18 (Wednesdays) – Beginning of Wed. Night “Lent-ventures” during Wed. night service  
(7 pm).  Runs through March 25th.

20th (Friday) – 56ers Bowling, Tuttle’s Bowling: 7:00-9:00 PM

22nd (Sunday)  – 1st Grade Prayer Parent/Child Class, Noah Room: 10:45-11:30


1 (Sunday) – Family Sunday Service, 9:30
4th & 5th Graders will be meeting in the Art Room from 10:45-12:30 as we make our cups with professional potter, Keith Williams, in preparation for our 1st Communion on April 12th (Communion class will be on April 11th from 10 noon).  RSVP mherbert@allsaintsmtka.org

20 (Friday) – 56ers Night Out/In: 6:30-midnight

29 (Sunday)  – Palm Sunday

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bible Presentation for Kindergarten & First Graders (January 25)

Bible Presentation

The Kindergarten and First Grade Spark Story Bible Presentation and the Family Class are scheduled for Sunday, January 25.  These children will receive their very own Spark Story Bible during the 9:30 a.m. service.

Following the service, there will be an introduction and activity for children and families. Please RSVP to Chris Heiberg (952.934.3550x10 or email) by January 22 to ensure we have enough Bibles and materials.