Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Get ready for Rally Sunday - September 13, 2015!

Lots of fun activities are planned for Rally Day, our kick off to Sunday School, Sunday September 13th. We will have a pot luck  and games with plenty of fun things to do and eat. It will be a great day to gather for worship, register for Sunday school, meet your teacher, and see what everybody has been doing this summer.

We can use more volunteers to make the event super successful. If you are able to donate items or a bit of time, please let either Martha Herbert (childrens ministry director), Kristine Clemens (youth ministry director) or Brenda Gilsrud (council rep) know by calling the church at (952) 934-3550 or emailing us:

Martha Herbert -- MHerbert@allsaintsmtka.org
Kristine Clemens -- KClemens@allsaintsmtka.org
Brenda Gilsrud -- begilsrud@usfamily.net

And here's some TBT's for fun 
(Throw Back Thursdays, but any day works.)

Can't wait to make new memories in 2015/16!

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