Thursday, October 1, 2015

Parent's Corner E-News October 2015

Don’t Forget…
Even if you’ve been here for years, we need you to register your child(ren) for Sunday
school.  If you haven’t already registered your child for Sunday school, you can find the registration form on our website, the Children’s Ministry bulletin board or you can pick up a form from your child’s Sunday school teacher.  Forms can be turned in to the office anytime.  Thank you!

This Sunday, October 4th is “Family Sunday”.  On the first Sunday of every month, we will be celebrating children and families during the 9:30 service.  Each Sunday will have a “feature family” who will assist in the reading of the prayer of the day, and assist the ushers with collection and bringing up the elements for Communion.  Our hope is to get our children to participate in the worship service as well as help the congregation get to know the children and families better.  If you and your family would like to help participate, please contact Martha ( and she’ll get you “hooked up”!

This Sunday is extra special because we will be giving out Story Bibles to our class of Kindergartners.  If you have a child in Kindergarten and would like them to receive a Bible, please contact Martha.
Upcoming Sunday School Lesson:
On Sundays, October 11th & 18th, your children will be learning the story of Joseph and His Brothers.  Joseph’s brothers were very jealous of him, and made some bad choices that ended up hurting Joseph very much.  God took the awful things his brothers did and used it to save the whole family and the generations that followed. 

Helpful Bible verses:  Genesis 37:1-28

Optional Activity:  Make a beautiful sculpture out of an ugly tin can.  Take an empty tin can and smash it.  Then using paints, buttons, bottle caps, lace, fabric, silk flowers…whatever you have on hand, have the kids attach the items or paint to the can to create a unique and beautiful sculpture.  You can even get hanging wire to hang it.  Explain to the children that just like they took old smashed cans and transformed them into works of art, God took Joseph’s messed up situation and made him a ruler of Egypt.  Even when it seems like everything is going wrong, God is there and will work on bringing good out of the situation.

Calling all 3rd graders and their Parents!
On Sunday, October 25th during the 9:30 service we will be having a special presentation of Bibles to our children in 3rd grade.  Then, immediately following the service, 3rd graders and their parents are asked to stay for an introduction class on how to use and read the Bible.  Through lessons, games and crafts children will learn how the Bible applies to life today.  Class runs from 10:40-11:40 AM in the Lounge.

Mark your calendars!
“Trunk or Treat” at All Saints Lutheran Church will be on Saturday, October 24th from 3:00-5:00 PM.  Come join the festivities as children go from car to car in our parking lot collecting treats – then move on to playing games, painting pumpkins and enjoying our Fall family celebration.  Costumes are encouraged, but optional. 
*We are still in need of people who can provide a decorated car trunk.  Sign up at the Welcome Center if you can help.*

Immediately following “Trunk or Treat” is the 5th & 6th grade ministry (“5-6er”)Fall kick-off and bonfire.  From 5-7 PM we will be out back enjoying a bonfire, music, games and food.  56ers are invited to bring a friend and their families.  Hope to see everyone there!

 Contact Martha Herbert at: 

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