Friday, January 22, 2016

Fourth Graders Get Ready for Your First Communion!

4th graders and their parents SAVE the DATE! 
Sunday, February 28th 
10:45 am – 12:30 pm 
Your child will hand make their own Communion Cup 
to use during their First Communion on April 3, 2016. 

To learn more about the ELCA teachings on communion and other sacraments, click HERE.

Note: if you have a 5th or 6th grader who has not made a cup and has not taken the Communion class, they are also invited. 

Contact Children's Ministry Director, Martha Herbert for more information. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Art of Peace Exhibit - Sunday, Jan. 17

You are invited to view the artwork from All Saints kids on Sunday, January 17th throughout Fellowship Hall. The art represents the children's ideas of what peace looks like them. 
What does peace look like to you?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Bring your vision of Peace to life - Sunday Jan 10, 2016

This Sunday we will have an extra special project! The children will create an artwork, based on what their vision of peace looks like. If you close your eyes and think of “peace”, what do you see?  The kids will use crayons, markers, paint, glue, written words….whatever they want.  A peace symbol on cardstock for their creation is provided.  If they want to take it home to work on it, they can. The art will be displayed on Sunday, Jan 17th in the Fellowship Hall in honor of the Martin Luther King National Holiday.