Sunday, February 15, 2015

Kids calendar for "Lent-ventures" -- February & March 2015

Question: What is a "Lent-venture?" 
Answer: During the message time in the Lenten service on Wednesdays, children are invited to go to the Loaves room for ”Lent-ventures”.  We will explore the Lenten theme of “Fruitful Living” and have a craft or activity.

         During Sunday school, your children will be receiving a “Lenten Path of Kindness” to use as they count down the 40 days to Easter.  This is something the whole family can share (and it does not have to be done in order).  If your child does not receive one, they are available at the Children’s Ministries bulletin board.

Please note: Alleluia and Hosanna choirs start at 5:30 on Wednesdays during Lent. 
We have soup suppers, hosted by the Confirmation kids. 
See you there!


18 (Wednesdays) – Beginning of Wed. Night “Lent-ventures” during Wed. night service  
(7 pm).  Runs through March 25th.

20th (Friday) – 56ers Bowling, Tuttle’s Bowling: 7:00-9:00 PM

22nd (Sunday)  – 1st Grade Prayer Parent/Child Class, Noah Room: 10:45-11:30


1 (Sunday) – Family Sunday Service, 9:30
4th & 5th Graders will be meeting in the Art Room from 10:45-12:30 as we make our cups with professional potter, Keith Williams, in preparation for our 1st Communion on April 12th (Communion class will be on April 11th from 10 noon).  RSVP

20 (Friday) – 56ers Night Out/In: 6:30-midnight

29 (Sunday)  – Palm Sunday