Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spark Bible Story for Sunday, June 1st

You can review these stories in the Spark Bible* with your children. At the end of the story, there are some questions to think about; you can share your answers with your friends on Sunday, or feel free to post your insights below.

The Ascension pg. 496  (Acts 1: 6-14)
(Jesus has further instructions for the disciples, then rises up and away onto a cloud!)

Make your own Cloud Dough -- click here 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Thank you Volunteers!

We appreciate each and every one of you for making All Saints Lutheran Church a vibrant, fun community!

Here's a group of our kids and parents going Beyond Our Doors at Feed My Starving Children from last weekend:

Spark Bible Stories for Sunday, May 25

The Promise of the Holy Spirit  pg. 450-451 (John 14: 15-21)
Jesus tells the disciples about the Holy Spirit and not to worry.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Spark Bible stories for Sunday, May 18

You can review these stories in the Spark Bible* with your children before or after Sunday School. At the end of the story, there are some questions to think about; you can share your answers with your friends and teachers on Sunday or feel free to post your insights below.

Matthias the Apostle  pgs. 500-501 (Acts 1: 15-17, 21-26)
(Matthias is chosen as Judas’s replacement.)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Spark Bible stories for Sunday, May 11

You can review these stories in the Spark Bible* with your children before or after Sunday School. At the end of the story, there are some questions to think about; you can share your answers with your friends and teachers on Sunday or feel free to post your insights below.

Early Believers  pgs. 504-505 (Acts 2: 42-47)
(The disciples share food, clothing and much more, and the church grows!)

Thank You Volunteers Celebration - Sunday, May 18

Volunteers Needed! Please click HERE show your support.

On Sunday, May 18 we will be recognizing the time and talents that have been offered to support Children's Ministry in the past year.  All families are invited to join in the celebration and taking time to thank those who have contributed to the faith formation of our children.

Families, please look for the email invitation for more details on how to help make this day special for the Sunday School teachers and helpers.  Families are asked to support by