God is wireless all the time :)
OMG!..that's all I can say! Sunday morning was an OMG moment,...was a "higher than a kite" morning! I was flying in the "we"-Cloud mountain top experience! (vs. my "i"Cloud)
Something we've been dreaming about happened. Many have been talking about somehow chatting live, -a Skype or video chat with All Saints Church while we are at Casa Hogar Elim...and it happened:) With the Sunday school children from Minnetonka and the children in Nuevo Laredo it was "a live" moment ...all together!
Here we could see eachother, talk, introduce one another, sing, laugh, pray as one large group...and we even played the colored children's bells "Joy to the World"! It was absolute Joy !!! It was marvelous!
It was a total team endeavor of North and South, English and Spanish, from digital natives (technology wise teens and young adults) to digital immigrants (we middle agers)...blending cameras and laptops, mixing Macs and PC's ...all teaching eachother while crossing our fingers through unreliable network coverages and over stretched extension cords ...all for a common goal just to be "live" together :) WOW! And we did it!
And right after the event... So excited!!! Wanting to post and blog about this fabulous moment,... We lost signal again...and again...and most of the day...we never could post a blog. In fact, reflecting, we had great trouble getting Wi-Fi signal right before this OMG "live" moment...
Not having Wi-Fi afterwards didn't inhibit us, for as the day continued, we had even more Joy and "slices of heaven" with our friends at Casa Hogar:)
Yet how odd, that we had solid Wi-Fi and phone service only during Sunday School time? ...Which led to our "Ah-haa" moment:)
As we began to talk about it, we knew what the blog was to be, the story we were supposed to tell:)
God is always wireless ...
and invites us to answer when He calls us:)
He has the best "Friends and Family" plan ever....and that's His Plan:)
Post means after
Live means present:)
Thanks be to God:)