Dear Friends,
Hope you are warm and cozy in this chilly time of year. Here are some highlights of events coming up this week in Childhood
Ministries at All Saints Lutheran Church in Minnetonka, MN.
1. Winter Care Kits: Bring items on Wed. Jan. 29th.
We are collecting items for these kits, such as mittens, gloves, scarves, hats,
socks, healthy snacks, bottled water, and tooth brushes and tooth paste. There
is a red barrel in Fellowship Hall for you to leave items.
(See 6
th grade faith Adventure)
Friday, afternoon we gathered with Hospitality House in North
Minneapolis to begin this project.
2. Summer Picnic: With "Surfin Safari" This
Wed, Jan 29th at 5:30 in the basement, the Undercroft. All are welcome! It’s
definitely cold outside, so it’s time to remind us that summer will come!
We will have fried chicken, pizza, salads and lemonade,
served with palm trees and a little Beach Boys musicJ $5/ person
(Confirmation Potluck
will be in Fellowship Hall)
4. Wed. Jan. 29th,
6:15 pm: Come meet George Rowley, Director of Outreach Ministries in the
basement stay and assist the 6
th graders as they guide us to
assemble Winter Care kits.
5. Feb. 2nd: Reservations due for "Hearts with Love" Valentines Dinner.
Come enjoy an evening with your church family and support Casa Hogar Elim, the orphanage in Nuevo Laredo Mexico.
Come an enjoy a 3 course dinner, prepared by Chef Jeremy, with live music from our musical staff and friends (no pun intended :) $20/person. Childcare available.
Reservation sheets are the entrance way on the Valentine's table or call the church office for assistance in signing up.
6. How do you love?
How do you love to share God’s love with others? Do you love children? Do you
like to read, tell stories, do crafts, games, sports, play, listen, teach? Do
you like to organize, and sort ? Childhood Ministries at All Saints invites you
to come share your gifts and love with a child and meet the next generation
Contact Penny, we would love your involvement!
Blessings and love in Christ,
Stay warm, and help others be warmJ
“Tell the kids I love them”