Thursday, January 30, 2014

The ants go marching…Hurrah! Hurrah! January Picnic

I heard some singing coming from the basement of All Saints Lutheran Church this morning….

"The ants go marching 10 by 10, Hurrah, Hurrah…
the ants go marching 10 by 10, Hurrah, Hurrah,…
the ants go marching 10 by 10, the last sings, Let's have a picnic again!"

Here are some pictures from our January Picnic last night. 
May you feel the Joy!

Last night, George Rowley, Out Reach Director at All Saints, shared beautiful stories about "reaching out" to one another and sharing God's love. 

We also assembled Winter Care kits for the homeless.

Rev. John Hunter, Director of Hospitality House will personally deliver these care kits to homeless friends in the Minneapolis area.

Blessing and warm wishes on this snowy day!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Dear Friends

Dear Friends,

Hope you are warm and cozy in this chilly time of year. Here are some highlights of events coming up this week in Childhood Ministries at All Saints Lutheran Church in Minnetonka, MN.

1. Winter Care Kits: Bring items on Wed. Jan. 29th. We are collecting items for these kits, such as mittens, gloves, scarves, hats, socks, healthy snacks, bottled water, and tooth brushes and tooth paste. There is a red barrel in Fellowship Hall for you to leave items.
(See 6th grade faith Adventure)

Friday, afternoon we gathered with Hospitality House in North Minneapolis to begin this project.

2. Summer Picnic: With "Surfin Safari" This Wed, Jan 29th at 5:30 in the basement, the Undercroft. All are welcome!  It’s definitely cold outside, so it’s time to remind us that summer will come!
We will have fried chicken, pizza, salads and lemonade, served with palm trees and a little Beach Boys musicJ  $5/ person
 (Confirmation Potluck will be in Fellowship Hall)

4. Wed. Jan. 29th, 6:15 pm: Come meet George Rowley, Director of Outreach Ministries in the basement stay and assist the 6th graders as they guide us to assemble Winter Care kits.

5. Feb. 2nd: Reservations due for "Hearts with Love" Valentines Dinner.
Come enjoy an evening with your church family and support Casa Hogar Elim, the orphanage in Nuevo Laredo Mexico.
Come an enjoy a 3 course dinner, prepared by Chef Jeremy, with live music from our musical staff and friends (no pun intended :) $20/person. Childcare available.
Reservation sheets are the entrance way on the Valentine's table or call the church office for assistance in signing up.

6. How do you love? How do you love to share God’s love with others? Do you love children? Do you like to read, tell stories, do crafts, games, sports, play, listen, teach? Do you like to organize, and sort ? Childhood Ministries at All Saints invites you to come share your gifts and love with a child and meet the next generation J
Contact Penny, we would love your involvement!

Blessings and love in Christ,
Stay warm, and help others be warmJ

“Tell the kids I love them”  -God

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Childhood Ministries February 2014 Schedule


Regularly Scheduled Activities:
9:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School
Head into church, and after the Children's Moment, the kids are "Missed" for Sunday school.

6:15-7:00 p.m.   WOW Wednesday
7:00-7:30 p.m.     Alleluia and Hosanna choirs

Fun-day Art at Hospitality House 
Fridays on the 7th and 21st 3:00-5:30 p.m. 

Valentine's Dinner - Saturday the 8th - 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Benefit for Casa Hogar,

New Member Winter Sessions:
Wednesdays Feb 12 and 19
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
See Sara Brunk or Pastor Antonio for details.
Welcome new friends!

Faith Adventures - see blog links below for details:

2nd Grade Faith Adventure is Wed. Feb 12, 2014


4th Grade Faith Adventure is Wed. Feb. 19, 2014

Sunday School Surprise Guest on Feb. 23

WOW Wednesday Burning Palms for Ash Wednesday is Wed. Feb. 26


Major League Baseball Special Guest on Sat. Jan. 25

Come to our Faith, Fun & Fellowship Breakfast 
Sat. Jan 25th, 9:30 to 11 am at All Saints Lutheran Church
Special Guest Speaker:
Jim Brower — 9 years  Major League  Baseball 
• Currently Pitching Coach for the Kansas City Royals 
• Bob Brower will say a few words introducing his son 

All Ages Are Invited!   Bring your Dad, sons, grandpa, sports teams, friends, mom, daughters. Our speaker is All Saints member, Jim Brower. He will talk about life, faith, family, achievement, success and our identity. Jim is an inspiring man who has led an impressive career in professional baseball.  This will be a perfect father-son or parent child event. Free will donations accepted and all will go to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

About Jim Brower: 
Jim was drafted by the Texas Rangers in 1994. Through-out his professional career he played for eight Major League Baseball teams including the Indians, Braves, Padres and Giants, with whom he won division championship titles. His career stats include an impressive 128 wins, 37 saves and more than 1,300 strike outs. He also holds the Giants’ record for the number of games pitched in a season.  He is currently a the pitching coach for the Kansas City Royals. 

Growing up in Minnetonka he was involved in sports year- round playing basketball, football and baseball for some of the area’s most talented teams. Jim was a member of the 1985 East Tonka team which made it all the way to the Little League World Series. "It’s still one of the greatest moments of my baseball career, and I was 12." 

In High school Jim excelled in basketball and baseball. Jim had a 91 MPH fast ball. He was All-State in baseball and was drafted out of high school, but he chose to attend the University of Minnesota where he was named a baseball Big Ten All-Star in 1994.  

Jim is currently living back in Minnesota with his wife Jessica and their daughter Landry.  
"From early on Jimmy had everything he needed to be successful including talent, passion and persistence," said Jim’s former Minnetonka Baseball coach Myles Ginther. 

6th Grade Faith Adventure is Friday, Jan 24, 2014

Dear Parents of 6th graders,

We are on a mission!!! ...the 6th grade Faith Adventure...It's about missions :)

Friday, January 24th, 3:30-5:30 pm at Hospitality House (HH). If needed due to school schedules, feel free to arrive later as you are able. Care kit assembling, with children from HH will start around 4:00 pm.

Please bring one or more of the following items: to Hospitality House and/ or church
-mittens gloves,
-winter hats,
-healthy snacks, individually wrapped; granola bars, crackers, nuts
-adult tooth brushes (individually wrapped)    
In collaboration with Hospitality House we will assemble winter care kits for homeless people at Hospitality House on the 24 th  and at church on the 29 th

Rev. John Hunter, Director of Hospitality House with his church will distribute them through the Minneapolis area.                            

Hospitality House
1220 Logan Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411-0008

Wednesday,  Jan. 29th
You are invited to come with your 6th grader and the whole family!
All are welcome :)

5:30-6:45 pm there's Summer Picnic in the Undercroft! FUN!!
                              (fried chicken and pizza)

Then at 6:15-7:15pm: Faith Adventure Assembling winter care kits for homeless people
                               Guest Speaker is George Rowley with Outreach Ministries
                                It’s a family event. Adult helpers needed for set up.
                                    Let me know if you can help :)

We’d love to see you! Please RSVP for dinner and/or event.
952-934-3550  ex 18

4th Grade Faith Adventure is Wed. February 19, 2014

Dear 4th Graders and Parents,

You are invited to the Fourth Grade Faith Adventure!

(This is for kids and their parents.)

The theme is Prayer.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
6:15-7:15 pm
In the childcare classrooms
We will play a game, have a hands –on activity, and bake daily bread
While we will learn about different styles of Prayer,
 especially the Lord’s Prayer
 ...and we will pray :)

Please RSVP

Hope to see you!
Blessings, Penny

952-934-3550 ex.

You can view the Evangelical Lutheran Church's (ELCA) 
teachings on the Lord's Prayer at this link:

2nd Grade Faith Adventure is Wed. Feb 12, 2014

Dear 2nd Graders and Parents,

You are invited to the

Second grade Faith Adventure!

(This is for children and their parents.)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
6:15-7:15 pm
Childcare Classroom
We will play a game-activity and talk about faith in our homes.
(This is for children and their parents.)

Please RSVP to Penny


"Tell the Children I love them." -God

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Childhood Ministries January 2014 Schedule

Regularly Scheduled Activities:
9:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School
Head into church, and after the Children's Moment, the kids are "Missed" for Sunday school.

6:15-7:00 p.m.   WOW Wednesday
7:00-7:30 pm     Alleluia and Hosanna choirs

Special Events:

Friday the 24th
3:00-5:30 p.m.   Fun-day Art at Hospitality House

Wednesday,  Jan. 29th
5:30-6:45 pm there's Summer Picnic in the Undercroft! FUN!!
On the Menu: fried chicken and pizza
You are invited to come with your 6th grader and the whole family!
All are welcome :)
Faith Adventure Assembling winter care kits for homeless people
Guest Speaker is George Rowley with Outreach Ministries
It’s a family event. Adult helpers needed for set up.
Let Penny know if you can help :)

We’d love to see you! 
Please RSVP for dinner and/or event.
952-934-3550  ex 18