Operation Casa Hogar collection starts NOW!
Operation Casa
Hogar is the annual Sunday School Mission Project happening Dec 1st
at 9:30 and 11 am. (Casa Hogar is the orphanage in Mexico which we support.)
On our planning visit this November to Casa Hogar Elim, (CHE)
Mama Lupita asked if we could send nylon-drawstring bags again this year for
the children of Casa Hogar. She shared how the
children used them to carry school items to school. You are invited to make a
$5.00 donation for a nylon bag for a child.
Operation Casa Hogar is the annual Sunday School Mission
Project happening Dec. 1st.
Please bring your donations to the red barrel located in the Fellowship
Hall through Sat. Nov 30th. And please leave monetary donations in the office and
checks made out to All Saints with “Project Casa Hogar” on the memo line.
Operation Casa Hogar Sunday School Mission Project
Where: Donate to the RED barrel in the Fellowship Hall
When: Now through Sat. Nov. 30th
Toys: match box cars, balls, small dolls
School Supplies: small notebooks, coloring books, crayons,
pens, pencils.
Hygiene Items: toothbrushes and paste, soap, washcloths,
Other items: hard candy, mints, gum, T-shirts, toy
jewelry, socks, hair clips, sunglasses, flashlights with extra batteries.
items, war toys, chocolate (it melts!), perishable food, liquids, breakable items