I am happy to contribute to our Blog. Here is the Alleluia choir schedule for the next several weeks. Our rehearsals are always on Wednesdays at 7pm in the choir room. Of course we can always use more members so pass the word.
Jim Hild
Director of Alleluia choir
- November 10 – 9:30 service- Life Together. Parent Helper: Bunk
- November 27 – (Wed) 7pm Thanksgiving service time Hosanna, Alleluia and Youth choirs. No rehearsal. Parent helper: De Jong. Meet at 6:30pm in the choir room before the service
- December 1 – 9:30 service. Light one Candle from Singing the Seasons. Parent helper: Elverum
- December 11 (W) – mass choir rehearsal. Regular rehearsal at 7pm. Mass rehearsal at 7:45. Parent helper: Helling
- December 15 – Lessons and carols. 9 and 10:30. He Whom Shepherds Once came praising (Quempas Carol) All choirs and congregation. Parent helper: Salmi
- December 24 – 3pm service. Parent helper: Bob and Juanita