Sunday, January 15, 2017

Welcome Chelsea Gilbert, new Children's Ministry Director!

Chelsea has a degree in elementary education from Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. During her education she started working in various ministries. She has experience working in kids’ camping ministry, including two seasons as a summer program director at Badlands Ministries. Chelsea uses her passion for education and love for Jesus to teach creative and engaging lessons. She looks forward to meeting your children to help make God visible in their lives.
First time doing the kid's sermon at All Saints ELCA.
January 8, 2016

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Christmas Play - Sunday Dec. 18, 2016

Our Christmas play, "Christmas in a Pancake House," has been written by the sixth graders. Below are the cast list, lyrics to the songs everyone will be singing, and the final draft of the script.

Our rehearsal will be Saturday, December 17th from 9am to 11am. We will run through the show a few times. For those with speaking parts, practice speaking your lines slowly while enunciating clearly. For everyone, practice singing along the songs on YouTube or at a piano.

Cast List

Song Lyrics

Christmas in a Pancake House Script

Friday, November 4, 2016

New Procedure for Sunday School (OCT 2016)

Dear parents and families of Sunday school children,

Thank you for bringing your child(ren) to Sunday school. We are very blessed to have so many wonderful families with kids at All Saints!

Please review the Sunday school procedure below. We started a few procedural changes last Sunday, and want to make sure the process is clear to parents and families.

1.       Families gather in the sanctuary for worship at 9:30 a.m. Children sit with their parents until they are called up to the front for the Children’s Moment.

2.       After the Children’s Moment, children follow their teachers to the Narthex (the area just outside the Sanctuary doors.) In the Narthex, the teacher gathers the children in groups. Our classes are combined as follows:
a.       Preschool and Kindergarteners – 3-5 year-olds
b.      1st and 2nd Grades – 5-7 year-olds
c.       3rd and 4th Grades 7-9 year-olds
d.      5th and 6th Grades, referred to as The 56ers –  9-12 year olds
3.    After the service, parents or guardians of the pre-k/kindergarten children should pick up their child(ren) in the Busy Bee’s classroom (located in the child care hallway, last room on the left, nearest the kitchen). Please bring your child(ren) down to the Undercroft (large open space on the lowest level of the building).
4.    1st – 6th graders will gather for the Large Group activity at the end of class time in the Undercroft.
3.    After the 9:30 a.m. service, all Sunday school children, parents, and families gather in the Undercroft. We will conclude Sunday school with our prayer song, Lord, Listen to your Children Praying, an offering, and announcements.
4.    Please make sure your child’s teacher is aware that you have picked up your child(ren).
5.    To help you identify your child’s teacher, photos of the teachers are posted on the Children’s Ministry bulletin board on the main level, near the Sanctuary.  We also have some fun facts about them if you follow the link HERE.

We believe these changes will offer a better transition for our littlest All Saints members, as well as provide a more secure checkout process for all our children.

If you have questions or concerns, contact Pastor Jon Pederson or Brenda Gilsrud, Children’s Ministry lay leader, via the church office ( or 952.934.3550).

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trunk-or-TREAT - Saturday, October 29

Please join us for a lot of FUN for ALL AGES! 
Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 3 - 5 PM
56'er Bonfire and hot dog roasting afterwards*. 
Bring a friend! All Are Welcome!

Dress up your trunk (and yourself!) and meet in the All Saints west parking. 
We look forward to this time of being visible in the community of our church.  
Please let us know if you plan to attend by picking your parking spot on the sheet, 
located on the Children's Ministry board 
(by the bathrooms and water fountain in the main floor).
Also, please bring a food item for donation to the ICA Food Shelf

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fall Kick-Off Sunday is Sept. 11, 2016

Join us for Fun and Fellowship between the 9:30 and 11 AM services on Sunday, September 11, 2016

Children can engage in activities and games, explore Sunday School opportunities and register for class.

Enjoy listening to the All Saints Brass Band perform on the patio while snacking on hot dogs, chili, watermelon and beverages. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Join us at the Mall of America on Wed Aug. 17

Fly Over America Event

 Fly Over America at the MOA

Wednesday, August 17, 6:45 p.m.
Join a group of All Saints members for a one-of-a-kind experience at FlyOver America at the Mall of America. Meet in front of FlyOver America (southwest corner of Nickelodeon Universe by the Peeps store) at 6:45 p.m.

To qualify for the group rate, contact Brenda Gilsrud if you plan on attending. (Discounts are offered to groups of more than 15 and we must pay all together). Please bring cash for each ticket if you would like to pay using the group rate (if we receive the discount, adult cost is $15.26 and children's tickets are $11.66 each).